Managing Family and Domestic Violence in the Workplace

Managing Family and Domestic Violence in the Workplace Training Course

Family and domestic violence (FDV) is a critical national health and welfare issue. It is also an often underappreciated workplace issue, with the Australian Human Rights Commission estimating that violence from an intimate partner affects one in six Australian female workers. Further, one in five women report the violence continues at work.

In recognition of the prevalence of FDV in our community, since February 2023, all employees (other than employees of small business employers) have been entitled to 10 days’ paid family and domestic violence leave. This includes paid FDV leave for casuals. This paid leave entitlement will be extended to employees of small business employers from 1 August 2023.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative that your Managers, Directors and HR team understand the challenges that an employee’s exposure to FDV can present for them as an individual, as well as to the broader workforce, and to appreciate how to support employees experiencing FDV while also managing legal risk.

This training course covers:

  • What is family and domestic violence?
  • What are the minimum legal entitlements of employees experiencing family and domestic violence?
  • What are the work health and safety considerations associated to family and domestic violence
  • How do privacy and confidentiality considerations apply to family and domestic violence
  • What is considered best practice workplace policy and procedure regarding family and domestic violence
  • What can individuals and workplaces do to support a team members who may be impacted by family and domestic violence
  • What does practical workplace support look like in respect to family and domestic violence
  • What considerations should be made regarding discrimination and other risks which may apply to employees experiencing family and domestic violence
  • Review of case studies exploring practical strategies and processes to best manage specific scenarios relating to family and domestic violence

Training Course Duration

4 hours

Learning Outcomes

After this training course participants should be able to:

  • Understand what constitutes family and domestic violence
  • Understand the relevant legislation and the legal obligations in respect of employees experiencing family and domestic violence
  • Manage and respond to employee disclosures in this sensitive space while managing legal risk
  • Maintain confidentiality in the collecting and storing of employee information and managing who should have access to this information
  • Identify employees who may be experiencing the impacts of family and domestic violence and open an appropriate and supportive conversation
  • Support individuals through the experience of family and domestic violence, including developing safety plans
  • Implement proactive measures in your workplace to manage family and domestic violence matters

Training Delivery

Developed and delivered by Lawyers from HR Legal and occupational therapists/organisational psychologists, this training provides a unique learning experience for senior executives, managers and HR professionals.

We use handouts, case studies, provide tangible tools and allow time for questions and problem solving to ensure participants gain practical knowledge.

We do not offer this training course as a public offering. If you would like to enquire about running this training in-house for your organisation of a work team, please fill in the private courses form.

Enquire about training at your office