Workplace Health and Safety Essentials


Event Details

29 October 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Workplace Health and Safety Essentials Webinar

Employers have a primary responsibility to ensure, the health and safety of their workers and for providing a working environment that is free of risks to health. Creating and maintaining a healthy work environment is a shared responsibility between both employers and employees.

Join us and learn how an employer can meet its legal obligations while also ensuring and fostering safe and productive working environment.

This webinar covers:

  • An overview of the applicable relevant health and safety legislation;
  • A discussion on what is “reasonably practicable”, and how it differs from “recklessness”;
  • An overview of the obligations of Directors and Officers – including the need to exercise due diligence;
  • A reminder of what to do if there is a workplace incident, and what incidents are notifiable;
  • An update on changes relating to psychosocial health, and the importance of monitoring the mental and physical health of workers and how to ensure the conditions at the workplace fulfil and maintain the prevention of illness and injury.

Webinar Duration
1 hour


Event Details:

Delivery: Online via GoToWebinar
Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Time: 12:30pm to 1:30pm AEST
Cost: Free

Our seminars, webinars and workshops are for the benefit of those working in organisations who are seeking learning and development opportunities in employment law and workplace safety. As per this, we do not allow competitors to attend our seminars. HR Legal reserves the right to cancel the registration of those who may be a competitor to our organisation. Please note that if we note that your organisation offers similar services to ours we will cancel your registration.


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