Most Dangerous Time of Year: What can you do?


Event Details

30 Oct - 10 Nov 20178:46 pm

26 people were killed at work in Victoria in 2016 – the worst 12-month period for fatalities since 2009. Workplace safety must be a priority for employers. Failing to do so can have devastating consequences for your workplace, employees’ families and friends, and the community.

As we enter the most dangerous time of the year in the workplace, it is imperative that safety is at the forefront of employers and employees’ actions.

In this seminar, we will cover:

  • Employer and employee obligations to maintain a safe workplace
  • What is reasonably practicable?
  • Reassessment of risks
  • Communication with employees on OH&S and
  • Hierarchy of hazard control

Who should attend this seminar?

  • OHS Managers
  • Human Resources Managers

Please note that our seminars are for the benefit of those working in organisations who are seeking learning and development opportunities in employment law and workplace safety. We do not allow competitors to attend our seminars. HR Legal reserves the right to cancel the registration of those who may be a competitor to our business.


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