Understanding the Inherent Requirements of Jobs for key roles within an organisation underpins an employer’s ability to proactively and effectively manage their workforce, and reduce the risk of injury and WorkCover claims.
HR Legal has partnered with P2 Group, A Gallagher Company to run a workshop on the topic of Inherent Requirements of the Job.
This session is aimed to assist organisations to:
- Employ the right people for the job by enhancing pre-employment practices
- Reduce WorkCover premiums by creating effective and sustainable return to work pathways and strategically managing cases
- Enhance Ageing Workforce Management
- Minimise the operational implications of injury management by efficiently returning workers to their pre-injury duties
- Effectively balance workplace demands with the capacity and experience of workers
- Strategically manage workers who are unable to meet the physical, cognitive and psychosocial demands of their role
- Analyse and improve workplace practices
It is crucial for managers, HR professionals, and employers to understand the Inherent Requirements of the Job (IROJ) in order to meet their legal obligations to monitor the health of their workers and implement strategies to support their workers when they know, or ought reasonably to have known, that workers can no longer meet the inherent requirements of their jobs.
This workshop will be presented by Georgie Chapman, Partner at HR Legal and Brianna Cattanach, Senior Occupational Therapist at P2 Group, a Gallagher Company.
Event Details:
Venue: | MCG Room, Gallagher Offices, 4/289 Wellington Parade S, East Melbourne |
Date: | Tuesday 10 September, 2019 |
Time: | 9:00am to 12:00pm |
Cost: Free
Our seminars are for the benefit of those working in organisations who are seeking learning and development opportunities in employment law and workplace safety. As per this, we do not allow competitors (of HR Legal or P2 Group – A Gallagher Company) to attend our seminars. HR Legal reserves the right to cancel the registration of those who may be a competitor to our organisations. Please note that if we note that your organisation offers similar services to ours we will cancel your registration.