There have been a lot of changes in employment laws over the past few months.
To keep you informed of the latest developments, this webinar will provide you with an update of some of the recent changes across a broad range of areas.
- What is happening with casual employees, including casual conversion requirements and “double dipping”
- A moving feast – where we are at with the “gig economy”.
- #metoo and what it means for employers
- Victorian Changes
- Long Service Leave changes
- Labour Hire Licensing changes
- Other changes post Victorian election – wage theft and industrial manslaughter
- Federal Changes
- Changes to carers leave and flexible working arrangements
- The new national standard of Domestic Violence leave
- Vulnerable workers and increasing personal exposure for officers and managers
Delivered free and online, we encourage questions from participants at any time during the webinar. We also run polls and questionnaires to keep you engaged and interacting.